Well, here we go.
This is how the battle for funding this film project begins... One has to try everything, right ?
Writing a script is painfull, but writing a GOOD film script its an agony.. a delicious one. I know. I have done it 7 times. And this one is good, very good. How do I know that ? well, many people have read it and expressed their wish to see it in a big screen, and also it is something you know by instinct whe you write with passion.
So I finished my script, I did my workplan, my budget, my scouting, my casting, and even a good part of the production design. Everything is in place to make a very decent adventure film. Now what ?
Well, now comes the hard part of the plan: Get the money to make it.

I have tried to do it for over 15 years, and I have found that, besides this reasons I just mentioned, there are others:
1.- My kind of film is not the "normal" kind of film the mexican producers are looking for.
They ussualy look for Narco characters, corrupt politicians, prostitutes, the insecurity in the
country or lame comedies with gay characters and lots of sex, etc.
2.- The words SCIENCE FICTION is tabu for producers here, they believe that means a lot of
money and/or special effects that are "imposible" to make in mexico. (by the way, I am a 3d
and VFX specialist)
3.- Most investors here look at films like a total loss of money (since almost every film made
here sucks, they all loose money) so, nobody wants to invest in a film, no matter how good it
may look in paper.
So, in a few words, there is no way I can get money to make my films here in my country.
This leaves me with two choices: to quit and die after a deep depression. or, find investors or sponsors in other countries.
And it is obvious that the best way to do it is ussing this marvel known as the information superhighway, the Internet.
So here I am, presenting my projects to the world, hoping to find a visionary with enough nose to smell this bussines opportunity.
And now, lets talk about the film itself, UNDER THE AURORA, what is it about ?
After a solar storm, a traveling young couple
with a troubled relationship find themselves
lost in an unknown land, in a distant age, having
to face a conflict between good and evil for
the posession of a book that may destroy mankind.
In this journey, thru various important moments
of history, they will learn a lot about themselves
and the truth about each other.
How that sounds ? Interesting ?
Well, let me tell you, this is the kind of movie I would like to watch as an film fan. And I always write like this, thinking as an audience, trying to make the kind of film I would like to go to see to the theatre, and this is what other people like about my script. It is made by a movie lover.
Now let me show you some art I have made for this project.

After a solar storm, a traveling young couple
with a troubled relationship find themselves
lost in an unknown land, in a distant age, having
to face a conflict between good and evil for
the posession of a book that may destroy mankind.
In this journey, thru various important moments
of history, they will learn a lot about themselves
and the truth about each other.
How that sounds ? Interesting ?
Well, let me tell you, this is the kind of movie I would like to watch as an film fan. And I always write like this, thinking as an audience, trying to make the kind of film I would like to go to see to the theatre, and this is what other people like about my script. It is made by a movie lover.
Now let me show you some art I have made for this project.

If you would like to see more images, or want to know more about the story, let me know. I'll be back soon. Thanks for watching.
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looks and sounds a bit like Myst - or that series of games. Is Myst an influence in any way?
I love the myst series of games, but no, This a totally diferent story, but perhapps the atmosphere is similar.
will this be made into a game at all? Cause it looks like the graphics of the movie would suit a game.
We have hear and read news about a new plan to finally release your film and that is going to be shoot in Mexico. It is also been said that it will be in spanish not english. Would you give us some news about it?
If the above comment is true, i would like to know about what is the reality about your film project. If it is so hard to film in Mexico how come you dont try to film it abroad?
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