Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Making of in bluscreen teaser of UNDER THE AURORA. 2011.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Proyecto: Bajo la Aurora

making of del trailer de BAJO LA AURORA, instalaciones del Foro En México.

Producción: El foro en Mexico.

Director: Leopoldo Bolaños.

Arte: Enrique Ramber.

Actores: Diana, Adriana, Aaron, y Rodrigo.

Vestuarista y Maquillista: Israel y Joel.

Asistentes de Produccion: Isrhael y Ari.

Making of: Lourdes Castañeda.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

First making of of our project "UNDER THE AURORA" mexican film.

In this process saw the construction of one of the sets of this big film. You will see much better in youtube in HD.

And here is the 2nd making of too. We hope you like it. See in youtube in HD

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